Hot Smoked Trout with Little Green Bag

by Sarah Kennedy - Lusso Leaf


Simple, tasty, healthy recipe to try with Lusso Leaf Little Green Bag
Hot Smoked Trout approx 125g
New Potatoes approx 200g
Fine green beans 75g
Punnet Little Green Bag 20g
A little squeeze of lemon juice and seasoning to taste.


This superfood salad is bound to leave you feeling full of energy and give you a glow…perfect for the New Year! Heat oven and heat the hot smoked trout according to the instructions. Cook the new potatoes until tender, set aside to cool - you don’t want them piping hot as they will wilt the micro greens too much. Steam the green beans for 3/4 mins and soon as cooked to your liking run under the cold tap to cool a little. and drain. Once the trout has heated through break into pieces, add the potatoes, green beans and stir in Little Green Bag. Season to your liking.. Enjoy

Good quality, reasonable variety and local where possible. It's nice knowing a week in advance what's going to be in the box, so that meals can be planned and to avoid waste. No problems with substitutions.

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